First question… what is BlackMP Living Powder?
Essentially it’s a probiotic that contains Fluvic and Humic acids.
Click here to see the Wikipedia post
Fulvic and Humic acids are substances that have shown to be beneficial in several studies. The studies show these substances to be helping anything from Asthma to cancer to diabetes, and the list goes on.
What are probiotics…?
When talking about probiotics the thing we need to think about is what kind of bacteria do we have in our gut? There’s good bacteria, and bad bacteria.
For examples, Candida is a bad one that you might have heard of… It’s a yeast that is fed by sugar. So, if you have a sugar craving it’s not YOU, it’s the bad bacteria in your stomach.
How crazy is that?
I know several people that need to be taking this supplement specifically to get rid of the sugar cravings. In this article I’m not going to be talking about how bad sugar is for you, but please email me if you want to know.
How is BlackMP Living Powder different from other probiotics…?
This probiotic is actually in spore form straight from the earth. Where probiotics that you might find in your yogurt could be many generations away from the actual source, and because of that FAR LESS effective. In fact, probably not effective at all.
Not only that, but a lot of yogurts that are supposed to be helping you contain a crapload of sugar. So, you’re feeding the problem (candida), and trying to get rid of it at the same time… It make zero sense. Unless you’re trying to get customers addicted to yogurt…
What do you actually notice when taking BlackMP Living Powder?
One of the major things that people notice when taking BlackMP Living Powder is a decrease in sugar cravings. Then, with a decrease in sugar cravings there is a decrease in eating sugar. AND with a decrease in eating sugar there is… yep, WEIGHT LOSS!!!
But, a few of the first things that you’ll notice that will tell you that BlackMP Living Powder is working are… you could get:
– Acne
– Nausea
– Headaches
This is actually showing you that it’s working. It’s detoxifying your body, and this is part of the process. Once your gut is cleaned out the side effects with go away.
I can say that I didn’t experience any of these side effects when I started taking BlackMP Living Powder. What I did notice was an increase in digestion consistency in every way. I’ll spare you all of the details. 🙂 I also noticed deeper sleeping.
What else?
Another cool thing about the Powder is that it carries a pH of 10, which is the highest pH reading possible.
What does this mean…?
Well, for starters… cancer cannot live in a highly pH (alkaline) environment. That’s pretty cool, huh!
So, you can essentially drop yourself into a alkaline diet simply by taking this Blackmp Living Powder, and start fighting against cancer, and other disease.
Fun facts for athletes:
Fulvic and Humic acids can help with transporting your creatine and glutamine to your muscle cells. So, taking these acids can make your other supplements more effective.
Where can you buy BlackMP Living Powder?
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