This week I’m writing you from just outside of Bryce Canyon National Park, and I have to admit that I still feel hungover from all of the excitement at The Wave and Zion National Park over the last 1.5 weeks. 😉
Here’s what I found fun, interesting, or noteworthy this week.
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My latest podcast –
AAJ 190: Blue Light Blocking with James Swanwick
James has been an ESPN sport anchor, run multiple multi million dollar companies, and is an expert on self improvement.
In this podcast we talk extensively on why you need to be blocking the blue light from your eyes at night (if you want to sleep better), how James quitting alcohol has completely changed his life, and his daily routine (that you can take for yourself).
Another hike to do before death –
Haha! Two weeks in a row I’m hitting you up with the good stuff!
The hike that I’m talking about this week is Angels Landing in Zion National Park. But I’m going to lay a big BUT on you…
Do NOT do this hike on the weekend!
This is one of the coolest hikes that I’ve ever done. Both from a difficulty standpoint and for the views from the top.
But if you do the hike on the weekend, you will do it with the rest of the people in Zion, and it’s also one of the most dangerous hikes I’ve ever done.
So, be prepared to hike your butt off, and do the hike in the swing season during the week.
You are welcome!
Who I’m following on Instagram –
My man Jason Ackerman at Own Your Eating
I had Jason on my podcast back in episode 182, he’s on the CrossFit coaching staff (meaning he trains the coaches), and he does these amazing food comparisons on his Instagram account.
You should definitely follow him!
My top post on social –
One of the best adventure days we have had yet! More photos of all the cool things we found in our 12.5 mile hike to the Wave and surrounding areas. So happy Anna and Shawn came to spend a few days exploring with us! Instagram
That’s what I have for you this week!
We continue to add new people into The Get Better Project each week, and it’s been so fun growing this community! If you’re looking for an at-home training program that includes video and nutrition coaching… click here!
Ok, that’s it, let me know if you need anything at all!