This email is coming to you from Chatfield State Park in Colorado, where it’s a beautiful sunny day. But there’s no snow in sight :-(.
Here’s what I what I’ve found fun, interesting, or game changing this week.
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My latest podcast –
AAJ 233: My Favorite Books of 2019
I have always loved looking at other people’s top books of the year, and adding them to my list for the next year. So, if you’re looking for some 5 star reads in 2020… here are my recommendations.
My top adventure this week –
Exploring the Chichen Itza ruins (Wikipedia) and diving into a Cinote
Did you know that the main temple of Chichen Itza sits on top of a cinote (not the one I dove into), and is one of The New Seven Wonder of the World. Amazing stuff!
I’ve been to this area of Mexico several times and never visited this site. What was I thinking…
Thought I’ve been pondering –
How to make people feel awesome
After spending a week with a group of people that were supportive, energetic, hard working, and loving (a whole group of like 10 people), it was amazing, I got to thinking about what the major takeaway from the time with them was.
It was that everyone in the group (all of them) did a great job of pointing out positive things about everyone around them. And that (pointing out positive things in others) created a snowball effect in the whole group. It was contagious!
Now, I realize that this can seem (or feel) like a hard thing to do, but it’s 100% worth the discomfort that you have to go through to point out something good in another person. How silly does that actually sound… but I get it.
Try to not only do this once, but get into the habit of it daily. You will start to feel like you’re glowing! #lifechangingstuff
That’s what I have for you this week. And I’m going to get back to working out and doing my snow dancing to convince the winter gods to give us a big dump ;-).
If you need anything at all, you know where to reach me.
PS you can still get 2 FREE weeks of The Get Better Project by clicking here!
PPS Hey, if you have a pro deal on Lib Tech snowboards (that you can share)… let me know. My board is falling apart. Too much strengh I guess… haha!