This email is coming to you from Badlands National Park in South Dakota. South Dakota is way cooler than I expected, FYI.
Here’s what I found interesting, fun, or noteworthy this week.
My latest podcast –
AAJ 152: How to Improve Your CrossFit Metons
No, I’m not talking about how to make your Nike shoes look better. 😉
This is a fun deep dive into energy systems, how you can improve individually, and the number one thing that I think most CrossFitters are missing in their CrossFit metcon game. Enjoy!
What I’m reading –
Food Sanity by Dr. David Friedman
Ok, so… I’ve been contacted a few times from Dr. Friedman’s booking agent asking me if I would interview him on the All Around Joe podcast, and after being asked the last time I said yes and bit the bullet, I started reading his book.
Guess what… it’s really good! We (as American people) have been fed some pretty interesting things by the big food companies. Pretty interesting indeed. If you’d like to live better through what you eat (all of you should be wanting this) then I’d recommend this book.
App that I’m testing –
My Macros + | iOS – Android
As you probably know… I’ve been a forever user of MyFitnessPal. They have been the best food tracking app out there for YEARS due to having the largest food database. Other apps would look better, have a better user experience, but they just couldn’t find the foods I was eating.
Now on the scene, My Macros +. It’s $2.99 in the App Store, was highly recommended from a friend, and so far I’ve been able to find all of the foods that I’ve eaten. The user experience could be a little better, but it’s not any worse than MyFitnessPal.
If you’re dying to try something other than MyFitnessPal, go ahead and get My Macros +. If you’re looking for the best food tracking app ever, let me test this for a few more weeks and get back to you.
My top post on social –
Holy smokes! My top post on Instagram was last weeks Feel Good Friday image (again)! This has never happened before, and it just happened two weeks in a row. The post is titled: I’m walking into Friday like… and I will admit, it is pretty cool. 🙂
That’s what I have for you this week. I’m off to do a 10 mile run through the Badlands National Park! Let me know if you need anything.
P.S. One last thing… if you want to try the Keto Collagen that I’ve been putting in my coffee, they are having a 20% off sale for everything on their site. Just go to AllAroundJoe.com/PKLaborDay and use the code LABORDAY20.