This email is coming to you from Flagstaff Arizona where we just finished up our 14 day all-paddle Grand Canyon rafting trip. Which was one of the coolest experiences we’ve ever had!
Here are some of the highlights from the trip…
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Running massive whitewater –
The Grand Canyon is no slouch when it comes to whitewater. We went right over some of the biggest waves in North American at the rapid called Hermit (up to 30 feet), and were spun around like a top in Lava Falls. Where we ended up running the biggest part backwards.
Almost everyday there was a rapid (or 10) that could throw you from the raft. Fortunately we only had one raft flip during the trip and only a few hats were lost in the process.
Circadian rhythm reset –
When we got to camp on the first night, the trip leader informed us that they’d be providing a wakeup/coffee call around 5:15am (when the sun was coming up).
Most of us had rarely voluntarily seen that time of day (on purpose).
And I will tell you, that first morning was a little rough, but it’s unbelievable how fast your circadian rhythm will reset when you’re working hard all day, you’re sleeping outside, and you have ZERO technology. I slept like a baby on a mat under the stars (no tent) and felt completely rested and full of energy all but 2 nights.
Disconnection –
When you are in the Canyon the only connection you have to the outside world is the satellite phone carried by the trip leader. Otherwise you are in the dark. In fact, we kept our phones in a waterproof/crushproof case all but a few minutes everyday.
When you are isolated from the normal onslaught of information you find other ways of spending your time and energy. Of course in the Grand Canyon you spend 4-6 hours a day rafting, but there is still a lot of time left that needs to be filled.
During this time you appreciate your surroundings, meditate on life, connect deeply with the people you are with, enjoy long meals, play games, and workout more :-).
Those 14 days were the longest that I’ve been away from connection since getting my first iPhone and it was glorious! And highly recommend. When you disconnect you are able to truly relax.
Amazing people –
Every single one of the guides from AZRA was someone you’d want to be friends with. They were all positive all of the time, and were quick to give compliments, and almost never criticized. What an amazing world we would have if this was the norm!
In fact, I’m going to leave you with that. What if we were all quick to compliment and never criticized… Let’s try to be that this week. Let’s see what happens.
We have TONS of photos and videos that we will be uploading to our social accounts over the coming weeks. So be sure to connect with our The Vantastic Life Instagram or Facebook account where we’ll be sharing the most of them.
Have a rocking awesome weekend!
PS we are throwing around the idea of chartering our own Grand Canyon rafting trip with the same company, but giving it a fitness retreat twist with more hiking, swimming rapids, sandbag workouts, high quality nutrition, and much more. I would be planning the itinerary with the lead guide to make it a mind blowing fitness adventure! If you’d be interested in a life changing trip like this (probably in 2022) let me know.