Habits – Transformation – Thankfulness Practice
This email is coming to you from Chelan WA where the fruit trees are blossoming. It’s beautiful!!!
Here’s what I’ve found interesting, fun, or noteworthy this week.
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My latest podcast –
AAJ 247: Habits for Success with Josh Tapp of The Lucky Titan
Josh has worked with over 500 companies to help them create better habits for success. And we get into the habits that he’s seen work to create success, and those that will keep success from happening.
Super cool and interesting info here!
GREAT opportunity –
90 Days of FREE Transformation Coaching from Rory Arakaki
One of the best people and coaches that I know (seriously, my brother from another mother) is launching a new coaching program and looking for 2 people to take through it for absolutely nothing! I told him to change money because what he’s offering is worth at least a few thousand bucks, but he said he didn’t want to charge right now.
So, here’s the deal…
If you’re feeling stuck with your health and fitness, and don’t know what’s stopping you…
If you want to create a powerful vision for your body, and what that will mean for your whole life…
And/or you want to discover which foods and lifestyle choices are keeping you from your goals…
Then, you should absolutely jump all over what Rory is offering.
But here’s the thing… he’s only taking 2 people (and I told him he had to start charging after that) so, if you want to make a big positive change in the next 90 days (and pay zero for it)…
… reply to this email quickly with your name and email so I can get it passed over to Rory.
Gratefulness/Thankfulness practice that’s easy –
I’ve talked about this before with you guys, but I thought it was a good time to bring it up again. I’m talking about my daily journaling practice that I’ve done (almost) everyday for just under 2 years.
If you don’t have a daily practice like this… I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT, and here’s how mine works… I answer these 4 question each day.
– I am thankful for?
– What would make today awesome?
– What makes me special?
– What awesome happened today?
For the first 3 I get an alert Reminder (on all devices) to answer at 8am, and the last one I get an alert Reminder to answer at 8pm. Your times can be adjusted based on your life, but what really has solidified this into my life has been using the Reminders app.
Without fail, every single day, I get an alert that stays up on my phone, iPad, and computer that doesn’t go away until I click “Completed”.
And I write the answers in my notes app that syncs with all of my devices. It’s so easy, makes me start the day off thinking about positive things (which makes me feel good) and I end the day focusing on the awesome things that happened.
Did I mention that this Thankfulness Practice only takes about 3 mins in the morning and less than that at night? 😉
It literally forces your mind to focus on positivity everyday. I can’t think of many things more powerful.
Alright, that’s what I have for you this week. I hope you’re doing fantastic, and if you need anything at all… I am here for you!