This email is coming to you from…
Where the weather is about 67, and oh so nice!
Here’s what I found interesting, fun, noteworthy, or worth telling you about 😉
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What I’m pondering –
Health ignorance and how we can avoid it. It seems like there are so many of us that aren’t paying attention to factors in our lives that have the potential to come back and bite us in the ass when we are growing older. It’s the little things that add up over the years.
An example is… if you aren’t a very good sleeper. Figure that shit out. Take the time to really dig into, and play scientists on yourself until you figure out how to sleep better. You might be able to get by for a few years or even decades, but that could catch up with you.
Another (obvious) example is… you aren’t exercising enough. When you health/shit starts to hit the fan, you might not be able to scramble and claw back by starting to exercise or take that new pill.
What I’m really thinking about with health ignorance is, why aren’t we doing the little bit of work now that will give us more quality years later.
This is also true of business. You might want your business to blow up in the first year, and it might not. But keep working on it year after year, and getting better wherever you can, and it’s going to grow and grow.
Lastly, you care more about you more than anyone else on the planet. So, if you’re sleeping bad… sure tell your doctor, but they are never going to care about you as much as you do. So take responsibility for that shit! No more health ignorance!
Podcast I was on –
The Strong Savvy Cyclist & Triathlete with Menachem Brodie
Where we talk about how fitness professionals have had to pivot to the online space. And how that went for me when I started The Get Better Project about a year and a half ago.
What’s making my morning exponentially better –
Cold showers – And we are talking, so much better that I can’t even put a number on it. It’s going from zombie mode to alert, focused, and feeling amazing mode! I’m not kidding.
It was quite hard to make cold showers happen in #vanlife because we were almost exclusively taking showers at night, and when I take a cold shower at night it keeps me up.
But, now that we are stuck in a house for the foreseeable future, I’ve started the practice back up. And holy smokes do I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them! It’s like coffee on top of coffee, and you feel happier too. That’s something I realized this morning. I woke up feeling groggy, unmotivated, and in a bad mood. And as I was getting the soap off of my body under the cold water, it struck me that I was feeling happy for no reason. Amazing!
Give them a try. Take off your baby pants, and just do it. It will make you feel better, make you more productive, and I didn’t even mention the health benefits.
That’s only 3 things, but probably enough for the week. If you have any thoughts on these topics I always love to hear from you. And you don’t have to reply on my twitter account, just hit reply :-).
If you need anything at all, just let me know and I’ll do my best to help.