Here’s what I’ve found fun, exciting, or interesting this week.
My latest podcast –
Too much protein, stop soreness, cheat meals, and active recovery
This week I asked my Facebook community what they’d like me to talk about on the podcast, and they blasted me with a huge list of questions. Which I completely appreciate!
So, these are just a few of the questions. But don’t worry, I will continue answering listener questions on next weeks podcast.
If you have any questions for me… head over to my Facebook page, and post the questions on my wall.
What I’m reading and enjoying –
The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco. I know… with this title, you’re probably like… next! Unless you’re an entrepreneur.
But, this is a fantastic book for anyone who feels like a creator, or would like to start a business, or figure out how to think differently than the masses. Great book!
My top post on Instagram –
A nice and slow 390 from training today. After spending quite a while focusing on endurance, it’s nice to start feeling heavy weight again.
Thought that I’m pondering –
When you talk to people, you have the option of lifting them up, being neutral, or bring them down. The direction that you decide to go will have an impact on how the person that buy tramadol withdrawal you’re talking to feels.
It seems really easy to decide what direction we should go in when put in this context, right.
But far too often I hear people deciding to bring others down. And I think that (most of the time) these people think they are being funny.
Anyway… I’m hear to tell you, it’s probably not funny.
Here’s what I want you to do.
When you see someone, or are talking to someone, or are texting with someone, or are messaging with someone. Any interaction. Make the decision to LIFT THEM UP!!!
Even if you’re first reaction is… critical, or negative, or anything that could possibly make someone not feel good.
Here’s an example: if you see a friend, and their hair looks terrible, and you would usually make a crake about it, don’t you dare. Shut your mouth. But, if you notice that you like their shoes, or their smile, or their tan skin, or they are looking exceptionally muscular, or lean… you mention that thing.
Just please take a split second to think about how that would make you FEEL before you say it.
Start trying this, and let me know how your life changes.
Alright, that’s all I have for you this week. Now go out, and crush the weekend!
Joe at allaroundjoe.com