Good day to ya’ll, and happy Friday! Here’s what I’ve found fun, interesting, or thought worthy this week.
My latest podcast –
AAJ 123: 8 Tips to Make YOUR Workouts Easier
These tips will not only make your workouts easier, but they will make you better! 🙂
What I’m listening to –
Strengthening Your Grit Muscles by Ben Bergeron
If there’s anything that you’re trying to accomplish, and you’re not 100% sure how to accomplish that thing… Could be a business goal, could be a weight loss goal, could be an athletic competition goal, could be anything. This is an incredible podcast to listen to!
My top Instagram post –
Ski day at Whitefish in Montana
Thought that I’m pondering –
Strategic rest or time off
Most people might think of this as vacation. And most people will take a vacation from work and find a beach or cool location, and eat even worse than they usually do, and drink more than they usually would.
This is not what I’m talking about, buy tramadol online aphotek although most people do this, and set themselves up to fail during their strategic rest or time off. Think about when people say they need a vacation from their vacation. This is just very poor planning and decisions.
What I’m talking about is using rest or time off to boost your work or athletic results.
I think there is an amount of planned time off that from work or training (what most people call a vacation) where you refresh your brain/body/soul that can supercharge your results in your work or training.
The next time that you’re planning a vacation, think about what would make you come alive. What would make you glow?! This will absolutely make you feel like a rock star when you come back to your craft.
AND plan and do these things more often than you think you should!
That’s what I have for you this week. Let me know if you need anything, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Joe at allaroundjoe.com