Happy almost sunny day (here in Seattle)! The sun is trying to peek out. You can do it sun!
So, after drinking green tea morning, noon, and night for one week, I must say that I’m happy to have my morning coffee back.
It’s not that the tea was bad. In fact, I found that I really enjoy Matcha in a shaker bottle with some ice cubes. And I will continuing drinking this once or twice a week.
The green tea just doesn’t give me the jolt that my morning coffee does.
Enough about green tea, let’s crash into what I’ve found this week.
What I’m reading – Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. A lot of you probably watched the movie that was based on this book, but I never did because I was told it wasn’t about the trail. Well, the book was enough about the trail, and the adventure for me to get inspired to get outside and do something crazy. Or it was at least a push in that direction.
What’s been DOMINATING my time – I have spent the last two weeks creating over 100 videos for my IKKOS CrossFit channel. This is a virtual reality learning app that allows you to activate your mirror neurons to perform CrossFit movements exactly as I do them. So, I’m basically giving you my CrossFit super powers. It’s actually really cool, and you can get the app on your favorite app store. Some of the modules are free, and some are paid, but all are totally cool! Apple iOS | Android
Quote the I’m pondering – “If it’s not a “Hell Yeah!” It’a a no.” – Tim Ferriss
Another quote I’m pondering – “If you want to get uncommon results, be prepared to do uncommon things” – Author Unknown. This has been popping into my head all week as I’ve been filming (and re-fliming) videos.
My most popular post on Instagram – #mealprep !! How about some Chicken Apple Sauté… This is also what we’ve been eating all week.
Time to get outside, work hard, and have some fun!
If you ever want to get in touch feel free to shoot me a message via Twitter @allaroundjoe, or reply to this email. You rock!
Joe at allaroundjoe.com