Hey hey!
This email comes to you from Terlingua Texas, just outside of Big Bend National Park. This is a crazy little ghost town with old falling ruins and graveyards where they bury bodies by placing rocks on top of them. It’s just like you’d see in the western movies.
Here’s what I found interesting, fun, or noteworthy this week 🙂
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My latest podcast –
AAJ 183: Dani Urcuyo of SteadyMD – Your Personal Doctor Online
Get this… SteadyMD matches you up with a doctor that has a similar lifestyle to you. If you’re a CrossFitter… you get a CrossFit doctor! If you’re a skier… you get a doctor that’s a skier! If you’re a long distance runner… you get a doctor who’s a long distance runner!
So, you get the point. But how freaking amazing is that!?
Not only that, but they are trying to create relationships between doctor and patient like the good old days.
Oh, AND they focus on being proactive rather than reactive and changing things through diet, exercise and lifestyle.
Our current health care system needs to change, and this is a HUGE step in the right direction!!!
I would recommend listening to the podcast, but you can checkout SteadyMD by clicking here
What I’m reading – Nicholas Flamel
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series
So, Nicholas Flamel was mentioned by J.K. Rowling in Harry Potter, and it led me down this strange road of reading/listening to this series by Michael Scott.
If you like fantasy/fiction (or whatever it’s called) this has been a really fun series to read. I just finished book #2, and have been rating them 4-5 stars on Good Reads.
Workout of the week –
This workout can be done with just a workout band and has left myself and many others in The Get Better Project group sore for days (AKA getting gains).
For time:
75 burpee buy-in
5 rounds of:
30 jumping lunges
30 push ups
30 banded rows
The time have been around 20-30 minutes. Give it a try and let me know how you feel. 🙂
Nutrition tip –
If you’re looking to lose weight, or be lean year round… the amount of calories that you consume daily and your macros shouldn’t vary depending on how much exercise you do.
At lot of times apps (like MyFitnessPal) will connect with your Apple Watch or Garmin (which seems cool) but it adjusts your daily calorie and macro goals based on your movement. So, I would disconnect them.
Once you have your goal daily calories and macros set, they should stay there unless it’s a cheat day, or you’re doing some kind of outrageous workout event (marathon, CrossFit comp, etc.).
If you have questions about this let me know. This is something that we setup for you in The Get Better Project.
That’s what I have for you this week. If you have any fitness or nutrition questions, or need anything at all… let me know.