Happy Friday! Let’s get into this. Here’s what I’ve found interesting, fun, or motivational this week.
My latest podcast –
AAJ 131: 6 Tips to Reduce Stress Today
It seems like there are a lot of people with too much stress in their lives these days. If you feel like that’s you… and you’re stressing out… have a peek at my 6 tips for reducing stress. There’s always going to be stress, but it’s how you manage it that makes the difference.
What I’m reading –
The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
This is a book that I’ve read 5+ times. I’ve lost count at this point. I’m coming to realize that it can be better to re-read a book that has boosted you forward in the past than trying to find something new. Now, I’m not saying don’t read new stuff, but I am saying, don’t forget about the books that you have already read that you really liked.
This book has made a profound change in my life, and the way that I think about almost everything. If you haven’t read this book and you would like to have more time, more money, or more fulfillment in your life – you should read this book immediately.
My top post on Instagram –
Clean and jerk practice. It’s been too long! #video
It’s not a lot of weight, but it did feel good to practice some clean and jerks.
Supplement that I’m testing –
Acetylcholine Brain Food
This supplement is supposed to improve attention to detail, give you better mental clarity, help you think faster, and cut through brain fog. I have definitely noticed having better mental clarity, and been able to bring those “tip of the tongue” thoughts right into focus. It’s cool!
I’m taking this with a product called Ciltep from the same company (Natural Stacks). You can read my Ciltep review here. And if you want to try either of these use the code ALLAROUNDJOE to get a discount.
That’s what I have for you this week. If you have any questions you know where to find me :-).
Joe at allaroundjoe