Welcome to another Friday in your life :-). Today (here in Seattle) we woke up to a little snow. That was fun!
Here’s what I found fun, interesting, or thought provoking this week.
My latest podcast –
Do you really need sports supplements..?
This is a look into who might benefit from taking supplements, and who might not. It’s not always super clear, but I give you the answers in this podcast.
Supplement that I’m testing –
Keto1. A few weeks ago I talked about how I was doing research on supplemental ketones. Well, this is the first product that I’m testing.
Some of the research on supplemental ketones shows not only an increase physical performance, but also increased cognition, increased fat burning, and potentially the ability to help you live longer. #interested
After taking keto1 for over a week, I’ve started to feel an increase in energy, which includes a general ability to push workouts harder.
I plan to write a FULL review of this product, and supplemental ketones in general. So, keep your eyes pealed.
My top Instagram post –
Just doing a few pull-ups during a fun @cascadeclassic workout with the team.
Thought I’ve been pondering –
Complaining… We recently (two weeks ago) deemed our CrossFit gym a no complaint zone. And I got all of the coaches to buy into holding everyone (myself included) to not complaining while in the confines of the gym.
Doing this has opened up some really interesting conversations around if complaining is inherently negative. And what I’ve been hearing, is that some people don’t think complaining is always negative.
So, after doing a deep dive into my brain, and meditating on this thought for the past few days, here’s what I’ve come up with.
When people complain it tends to set off a chain reaction, where people go back and forth about their complaints.
Like… when we get on the topic of Seattle traffic… It goes something like this:
I saw this jerk cut three people off in a row yesterday, and then speed off. And the next person says: holy smokes! Well, I saw someone hit another car, then run a red light, and the car he hit is all dented up. Then they both say: Seattle drivers are the WORST!!!
Is this conversation negative… I’m not sure that it’s all that negative. But here’s the deal, it definitely wasn’t positive, AND it certainly was three minutes of life those people won’t get back.
Here’s the point that I’m trying to make…
Complaining might not be always be the worst thing, but it definitely isn’t going to help you feel good or get any better at anything (other than maybe complaining), and it’s a huge waste of your time, and the time of the person you’re complaining to.
Not to mention, when you think of the people that you want to be around, do you want to be around people that are always complaining about their life… HELL NO!!!
I want to be around people that lift me up, and teach me cool stuff.
So, at the of the day, think about what you’re going to say before you say it, and if it’s a complaint, try holding it in. If you have something positive to say… say that. If you don’t, just shut the heck up!
That’s it, that’s all I’ve got.
Let’s go out and crush life!!! Until next week.
Joe at allaroundjoe.com