This weekly email is coming to you from a Walmart parking lot somewhere off the highway that’s on our way to St. Louis. Why are we headed to St Louis you might ask… Well, we are going to visit the Gateway Arch National Park (yep, it’s a National Park, not a National Monument).
Here’s what I found interesting, fun, or noteworthy this week.
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My latest podcast –
AAJ 179: Sam Pogue of TrueCoach (and formerly Onnit) on How to Excel at Life
Sam is someone who has a very unique way of looking at life, and it’s a way that we can all learn from. And not only that, but use to accelerate our lives to faster growth in health, fitness, or business.
In fact, if you want to grow in the workplace or business… I would definitely listen to this one!
My favorite workout this week –
3 rounds for time of:
15 right arm DB rows at 50
15 left arm DB rows
15 burpees over the DB
Rest about 5 mins
3 rounds for time of:
10 right arm DB hang clean and jerk at 50
10 left arm DB hand clean and jerk
15 calories on bike
10 v-ups
Rest about 5 mins
5×10 single leg stiff leg deadlifts holding 50 pound DB’s
Rest about 5 mins
100 laying DB tricep extensions with 15 pound DB’s
– This one I don’t recommend. I still can’t use my arms normally after 3 days.
My top post on social –
Crushing a Get Better Project workout at the campground playground today on Instagram
What I’m listening to –
The State of The CrossFit Games by the Talking Elite Fitness podcast
If you ever enjoyed watching any of the CrossFit media YOU’LL LOVE this show!! It’s done by Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez, who were canned by CrossFit back in the fall.
In fact, this episode talks about how the whole CrossFit Media team was fired, and includes all of the gory details. It’s not pretty.
But these guys are fantastic, and I can only imagine where the podcast is going to go.
Ok, I’m off to go touch the Gateway Arch and get the heck out of this frozen tundra called St Louis! Haha! If you need anything at all just let me know. We are headed to Hot Springs for a little R&R (and a ton of workouts) this afternoon.
PS would you like a free week in The Get Better Project? Let me know.