Welcome to December, and another week of what I’ve found interesting, cool, or noteworthy.
My latest podcast –
AAJ 113: Why breakfast is now the least important meal of the day
I get questions about this all the time, and my thoughts on breakfast have actually changed over the years as I’ve tested different things, and done more learning.
If you would like to be leaner and/or have more energy, this would be a good one to listen to.
My top post on Instagram –
Getting snatchy at StoneWay CF Mount Shasta
What I’ve been listening to and loving –
CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!! I love this time of year! If you want to know my favorite Christmas song, just let me know.
What I’m super stoked about –
One of the three people that have been beta testing my Get Your 1st Muscle Up course already got their 1st muscle up! If you’re interested in being a beta tester, let me know.
What I’ve been pondering –
What is stress…
Last week I told you I was reading the book by Mark Divine called Unbeatable Mind. In the book Mark talks about how in our society we label stress as good or bad, but that stress is just stress, and really, the only thing that makes that stress good or bad is how we decide to perceive it.
Now, if you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking of all the rebuttals that you could come up with right now.
Like… when that person ran their car into my car, that was ONLY bad stress. Or something like, I have a ton of bills, and don’t know how I’m going to pay them. How can I not be stressed about that…
But wait, and open your mind, if only for a split second. And let’s all commit to doing a test this next week.
When something that you would usually see as bad stress pops up into your life, identify it before reacting (this only takes a split second), and force yourself to laugh. You can actually practice right now! Seriously, just laugh for no reason at all. Hahaahahahahahhahah!!! It makes me feel kinda good. Weird.
The point that I’m trying to make is that we’ve trained our minds to label things as good or bad stress, but how do these labels help us?
I personally know that the bad stress label only makes me feel bad. And in almost all cases, I can’t think of how the feeling bad has helped me.
Try labeling that car accident as… I’m incredibly happy that no one was hurt. Or, even, I’m incredibly happy that I didn’t die, and was only slightly hurt.
And, those bills that I’m not sure how I’m going to pay… Now, that’s a challenge, and I love challenges!
What is stress to you…
I know, I’m crazy, but maybe I can help you to be a little crazy too!
I hope that you have a FANTASTIC weekend, and I’ll talk to you next week. Remember, if you need anything at all, hit me up on Instagram, or just email me back.
Joe at allaroundjoe.com
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