This email is coming to you from SNOW-BLASTED Los Alamos, New Mexico. We drove here for mountain biking…but turns out we should have brought our snowboards!
Here’s what I found fun, interesting, or noteworthy this week:
Presidential Stuff –
How are you feeling? I believe there are two great things to take from this election:
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
He’s arguably the most fitness and nutrition-forward politician we’ve seen. If he manages to make moves to get the toxins out of our foods (most people don’t realize what’s even in there), it could become one of the most impactful things a politician has done for public health in the U.S. - Your Life, Your Changes
If you want to see change in your life, it’s WAY more up to you than any president or politician. Want to be healthier? That’s about working out and eating well, way more than any healthcare plan. Want more money? Change jobs, start a business, or learn to invest—actions like these will impact you far more than any tax breaks or government bill. Basically, channel your frustration into taking steps that will impact YOU far more than any politician could. And if you’re mad, good. Anger can be a GREAT motivator!
It’s Time to FAST –
If you’re thinking about fasting, the best time to start is right after Thanksgiving. It helps shed any extra weight (if Thanksgiving got the best of you) and sets you up to be in prime shape before Christmas!
And if you really want to supercharge your holiday health plan…try another fast around the 2nd week of January!
Emily and I do this fast 3-4 times a year; we’ve done it so often, we’ve lost count. Every time we complete the Prolon Fast, we each lose about 8-10 pounds, feel mentally recharged, have tons of fresh energy, and find renewed respect for food (and chewing!). Plus, the longevity benefits alone are worth it.
Grab your Prolon Fast Kit right here at 15% off. They might even have a Black Friday sale, which I’ll keep you posted on. I recommend getting a kit now for your post-Thanksgiving fast, and maybe another if they go on sale for even more future health benefits.

I’m in this YouTuber’s Video –
…and we ride some GNARLY stuff! Click here to watch on YouTube
Check out my buddy Dusty Trails MTB. He consistently puts out awesome MTB content, and he’s a great guy and talented video producer!
In this video, we take on some of the steepest hidden trails around Diamond Head in Squamish. So fun—and honestly, terrifying!
Ask Questions (Rather than Judging) –
Here’s something to think about: Maybe a friend voted for someone you didn’t, like Trump. Rather than immediately judging, ask why. They may have a good reason you hadn’t considered—or you might not agree, and that’s fine too. They have their thoughts and feelings, just like you do. They don’t have to think the same way for you to respect or love them.
That’s what I have for you this week. If you’ve got any high-energy feelings about the world right now, try channeling it toward improving your fitness and nutrition! Good, bad, or angry energy can be directed toward positive goals. I used this method for most of my college workouts, and the results were amazing!