Happy Friday, AND Cinco de Mayo!
With summer getting close we’ve started planning the adventures.
One of which will include a light, and fast hike/run from Stevens Pass to Snoqualmie Pass (around 70 miles) in 3 days. #tonsoffun
I recorded a whole podcast on how we planned this adventure that will be release in a few weeks.
Onto the Friday fun stuff!
Supplement that I’m enjoying – Clean Lean Protein from Nuzest is a pea based protein powder that is gluten free, dairy free, soy free, GMO free, and vegan.
I’m loving the Wild Strawberry flavor in my green shakes.
I realize that might sound strange, but add this protein to some greek yogurt, and a boatload of greens, and it tastes amazing!
PS I don’t usually like strawberry flavored things, but this is the bomb. 😉
What I’m eating this week, and loving – Loaded Greek Salad.
We tried this for the first time this week, and it’s an excellent warm weather meal for the day (or the week).
App that I’m using to increase my lunge capacity – Apnea Diver.
This is a free diving app that I’m using to increase my lunge capacity for CrossFit (and other fitness endeavors).
It seemed like a natural progression after taking the Wim Hof Method (Iceman) 10 week course to go into some more intense breathing training.
And it has been more intense, but if you want to increase lunge capacity, this has been working for me.
My most popular post on Instagram – How to prepare for an ultra marathon.
This is a graphic that I created to promote podcast #81.
Quote that I’m pondering – Excellence is born of preparation, dedication, focus, and tenacity. Compromise on any of these, and you become average. – Robert Kurson.
Holy smokes, this gets me fired up! F*** being average!
I hope that you have a great rest of your Friday (and weekend)! If you need anything… hit me up on Twitter @allaroundjoe, or respond to this email.
Joe at allaroundjoe.com