Happy (day after) Thanksgiving! This has been a CRAZY week for me, and I’ll share what I’ve been up to below.
Get ready, here’s what I’ve been up to, found interesting, or has been really cool this week.
Purchase that I’m STOKED about –
Pop top from Sportsmobile
We’ve been waiting about 17 months to get our van to this point. And this week we drove from Seattle to Fresno (and back) just before Thanksgiving, doing CrossFit workouts, and a half marathon along the way.
If you haven’t cued in on what we are doing…. we are building a Sprinter van into a mobile – living, working, CrossFitting machine!
You can follow the whole adventure on Instagram at @thevantasticlife.
Book that I’m loving –
Unbeatable Mind by Mark Devine
This book had been recommended to me several times over the last year, and a road trip is definitely the best time to start a new audiobook.
In this book, you’ll get not only good stories, but some very actionable steps to creating Mark’s unbeatable mind.
It’s very good!
My top Instagram post –
Just checked in for our The North Face Endurance Challenge half marathon (tomorrow). This race was so beautiful, and The North Face does an absolutely phenomenal job at running these events. It was my 6th #TNFECS event.
Black Friday deal that you MUST consider –
InsideTracker has asked me to share their BEST deal of the year with you. And, if you’ve listened to my podcast than you know InsideTracker blood testing is the best thing that I’ve done for my health/fitness in years (maybe ever).
You truly can’t know what you should be eating, or what supplements you should be taking, unless you’re testing your internals. InsideTracker has a saying, Blood don’t lie, and I completely agree.
In fact, this is EXACTLY what ALL medical professionals should be providing!!! We should all be doing this, period!!!
Anyway, InsideTracker’s best deal of the year is $200 off their Ultimate plan (the test I do every 6 months). All you have to do is click here, and use the code THANKSJOE.
FYI, I think everyone should do this.
Get over your fear of blood testing, and live better.
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know.
Joe at allaroundjoe.com
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