Happy New Year! Here’s to a year of Focus, Great Accomplishment, and much Thoughtfulness!
My latests podcast –
AAJ 118: How to CRUSH your New Years fitness goals in 2 Easy Steps!
These are the 2 things, that if you Focus on, you will get to those fitness goals in no time!
What I’m watching –
Banking on Bitcoin
So, I know that has nothing to do with health, fitness, getting better, etc., but with all of the companies that have started accepting Bitcoin, I thought it would be interesting to learn a little about it. And I wasn’t disappointed, this is a very interesting watch about how Bitcoin came to be, and possibly where it’s going…
My to Instagram post –
Snatching in a metcon. Fun, but challenging! Run – double under – snatch
Click here to see it
Thought that I’ve been pondering –
Talking trash is something people do because they aren’t strong or thoughtful enough to actually think of something positive to say.
Example: when people cheer for a sports team, and their team is winning, but they decide to put the losing team down instead of focusing on how good their team is.
If this is you… please stop, and focus on the positive. You can do this, even though it might be harder.
Remember, you can make others around you feel good or bad. So, please, please, please, use your brain, and think before you speak, or post to social media (because that can have an even larger impact), and make those around you feel good. Be the example!
This will be so rewarding the impact is unmeasurable.
I truly wish that you are geared up, and completely jazzed to make this New Year outstanding! Have a great weekend!
Joe at allaroundjoe.com