Too often I hear people telling me that they are tired or have no energy. Do you ever say those words, or feel that way?
My question is why?
I can tell you that I live my life everyday at an 8-10 on the energy scale. I always feel great!
But I haven’t always felt this way, which means that I have figured out the secret sauce, and you can copy my recipe to feel energized all the time as well.
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Here’s my secret for feeling energized all day everyday…
It’s imperative that you not only get a consistent 7-9 hours of sleep every night, but that you also follow a consistent sleep and wake schedule.
What does this mean…
Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time everyday. I know this will be hard for you weekend warriors, but how bad do you want to feel great!? You MUST have your priorities set!
If you won’t give up your socializing then try to get it done early, and get home to bed on time. You can do this by simply setting the time that you are going to get together with your friends.
If you usually go to dinner at 8pm, try setting that time back to 6pm. Most people won’t care, they are just fine to follow your lead.
That way, you will create a win/win. You will get to socialize, and keep your unlimited energy sleep schedule. #winwin
For years I thought that I was eating the right things, and I believe that what I was eating wasn’t necessarily wrong, but now I know that it didn’t give me the kind of maximal energy and results that are possible.
The key to keeping and sustaining high energy levels all day everyday is to get rid of glycogen spikes caused by carbohydrates. The easiest way that I’ve found to do this is by following Paleo nutrition.
Paleo is a diet that steps you back in time to an age when we didn’t have any processed foods. The diet includes meats, vegetables, nuts, and some fruit. It’s very easy to follow!
If your food needs any processing at all, you don’t eat it. No grains! Very little dairy! Zero sugar! Tons of meat and vegetables, and fat is good!
Eating like this will not only keep your energy levels pumped through the roof, but you’ll also find that you lose unwanted body fat easily.
Probably the biggest thing that you’ll have to change with Paleo is getting rid of ALL of the grains that you eat. I know that it sounds crazy, but you really don’t need them, and trust me, you’ll feel WAY better!!!!
To dive right into Paleo get the Whole 30 diet plan by clicking here. This will hand hold you through the most important 30 days of any lifestyle change, the first 30 days!
Since writing this post, I’ve take thing a step (or five) further, and started using to give me an even more accurate picture of the foods that my body needs.
When you sign up for InsideTracker you simply go to a local lab where they draw your blood. And the whole process takes about 10 minutes.
Then, you go home, and wait for about 4 days. Once your blood tests are processed, InsideTracker will shoot you an email letting you know your results are ready.
What I found out when doing these tests was mind blowing!
I know that just above this (maybe two inches), I told you not to eat grains, and dairy, BUT what I found with InsideTracker, was that I (meaning my blood/body) would actually benefit from eating more grains and dairy.
Not only that, but I needed to cut off the red meat that I was consuming because my iron levels were through the roof!
Long story short, After making those changes my energy level went up even more, and I got even leaner!
If you think this is super interesting (like I do)… checkout my full InsideTracker post.
This one I’m sure you already know, but I’ll drive it home anyway. You must be exercising at least four days a week, and the exercise must include resistance training, and must be constantly challenging your current fitness level. Doing the same things over and over will not help with keeping you energized or improving your body at all for that matter. Your body is constantly adapting to the exercise that you do, so you MUST keep changing things up!
You must surround yourself with other high energy, positive people. You will never feel your best if you’re always around people who complain about their energy levels, or life in general. Identify energy suckers in your life and purge! Cut and run! Get outta there! If people don’t want to get with the program, then you must leave them and find another program. Also, make sure that you’re not one of the complaining energy suckers yourself.
This can be very hard for people to do, but if you really want improved energy (and life for that matter), YOU MUST find people to hang around that you would like to be like! Find people that you admire and become a part of their circles. Once you do this you’ll not only notice that you start feeling great, but you’ll also attract people that will love your new energy and attitude!
If you’re stuck doing work that you don’t enjoy, you’ll never be as energized as you could possibly be. If you’re in a job that you don’t love, look for something that you will love. Life is too short to be wasted being unhappy with what you do the majority of your day. Once you start spending your days doing work that you’re excited by, your energy will immediately jump! I spent years in jobs that didn’t energize me…. I’d get home from work and be totally drained. I tried out different jobs until I found something that I love (starting a business with my best friend), and I’m so energized that I have to tell myself that it’s time for sleep. I’m so juiced all the time that I just want to keep living life!
Going through life without any goals or purpose is one of the easiest way to derail your energy. YOU NEED A PURPOSE!!! Figure out what you want to accomplish this week, month, year, and life. Once you figure out what you’re working towards you’ll start jumping out of bed in the morning and not wanting to sleep at night. Ask me how I know… Every morning that I open my eyes, I’m excited for the coming day! Excited and grateful!
It may be fun to go out and get drunk, but if you’re seeking the highest of energy levels, leave the alcohol for others. In fact, if you’re hitting on all cylinders you won’t need any alcohol to feel good. That being said, I do believe that balance is a good thing, and you should go out every once in a while, but going out every weekend like most people in their 20’s and 30’s, is a death trap. What’s really important to you? Have you written your goals lately?
Caffeine isn’t needed, but if used properly, can enhance your already high energy to the next level of crazy productivity! The major pitfall that I’ve found is people relying on one source of caffeine (or stimulant). For example if you want your caffeine source to work everyday like clockwork without your body getting used to it, switch up your source. Use at least two different caffeine/stimulant sources like coffee and green tea. You may say… “wait, those both have caffeine”, and you’d be right, but I can tell you from testing this on myself, it works like crazy! It’s even better if you can find three different sources.
I can’t take credit for figuring out how to accomplish unlimited energy by myself. I’ve had a lot of help along the way. Here’s is a list of the books and tools that I’ve used to help me find my way to unlimited energy.
Paleo Diet – Whole 30 Paleo nutrition program
Book – Paleo for Athletes
Book – The Four Hour Work Week
Workouts –
Book – Psycho Cybernetics
Inspiration – Anthony Robbins
I hope that you’ll be able to use some of the things that I’ve found to be game changers in my energy level, and life. If you have any questions let me know, and please LIKE and SHARE this post with your family and friends. Thanks!
Now get outside and have fun by working hard! 🙂