Today I woke up with some low back soreness which I’m sure was from one of my many snowboarding tumbles that I took on Saturday up at Steven’s Pass so I spent about a half hour stretching this morning. I should note that you shouldn’t stretch a cold muscle so I did 3 sets of 20 air squats to get the blood flowing. I believe that most of my back tightness is a result of having tight muscles in my hips and after reading the book The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss I took some of the stretches from the chapter on Ultra Endurance Running to gain some additional hip flexibility. If you haven’t read the book I’d HIGHLY recommend it! Here’s a link to (FYI if you’re going to buy the book please use my link because I get a kickback from amazon. Unless you can find it cheaper somewhere else…). The stretches would be really hard to put into text so I’ll snap some photos or videos in one of my next posts so you can see what I’m talking about.
Now for the workout! 🙂 The stretches did help loosen everything up and I was wanting to do some kind of heavy strength training but I only have dumbbells up to 90 pounds, and no gym membership at the moment (long story). I decided that lunges would be a good exercise to do with the dumbbells, so I did 5 rounds of 10 dumbbell lunges @90 and 10 dumbbell bench presses @90. It turned out that the total weight was about 95% of my bodyweight. I did the workout for time and it took me 16 minutes. My major limiting factor was grip strength during the lunges. On the last couple of rounds I had to drop the dumbbells for a few seconds to let the hands rest. Also, 3 of the 5 rounds of bench presses were broken rounds, usually 8 and 2 reps. It was one of those workouts that was hard while doing it but a few minutes after completion I felt like I was ready for another workout. I considered doing another CrossFit workout but I realized that I have to be very careful with my overtraining due to the high intensity and number of workouts that I’m doing each week (10-11).
My later workout will either be a run or ride from the CrossFit Endurance site of 3×7 minute intervals with 3 minutes rest between rounds. Should be a fun time!!!
If you have any questions or comments throw them down below, and if you enjoyed this post please “like” and share it with your friends and followers!
PS. I’m thinking of doing a giveaway. Something like a free month of online nutrition training or a few run coaching sessions. If you have input let me know!