I was intending on writing this post yesterday because I wanted to be right in the moment of completing my longest CrossFit workout thus far (this is the closest to and Ironman that I’ve been :-)), but when I grabbed my computer to write about the workout slaughtering that took place, I couldn’t get my creative juices to flow. So here we are today! The soreness is starting to set in (even after the hot tub and ice bath last night), my caffeine drip has started, and I’m ready to relive ‘the workout from hell’ for your pleasure!
I wanted to film the workout, but the Gold’s Gym manager was already giving me a hard time because he thought I was personal training my mom. I was just teaching her some form technique for deadlifts, sumo deadlift high pulls, and cleans before we tackled the workout. Yes, I workout with my mom, and yes she’s a freaking AMAZING CrossFitter! So, although I didn’t want to piss any of the Gold’s staff off by breaking out my tripod, I was still stoked to actually be in a real gym for the first time in 3 weeks. Because of this it was important to me to get a crushing workout in that involved barbells (which you can’t find at city parks these days… WTH?). Without further adieu, here’s the workout:
15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (for time)
DL @ 185#
DB Clean and Press @ 50 DB’s
Box Jump @ 36″
Back Squat @ 135#
10 LDBR+Pushup @50 DB’s at the end of each round (5 ea)
My time: 1 hour 22 minutes! Holy hard workout!
It’s funny because I actually went into this workout thinking that it wasn’t going to be too bad, and from a “Wow, I’m out of breadth” standpoint, it wasn’t terrible. The crazy thing about this workout is that it was like a marathon! Which is fitting considering I’m doing this CrossFit training for my upcoming Ironman (Ironman Canada) and 50 mile ultra marathon (The North Face Endurance Challenge). I’m actually not joking, there were points during this workout that felt exactly like running a 50 mile ultra marathon! The mental toughness that you need to complete the challenge is exactly the same.
The first set of the workout started off pretty easy. I was thinking, “These weights aren’t heavy, I got this!” As I worked my way down to the 14 and 13 reps rounds, my weak spots started to pop up. This is why I absolutely LOVE CrossFit! The DB clean and press was a killer for me! The clean is fine, but the press with 50 pound DBs is a killer, and reminded me that I need to keep working my shoulders hard. The other killer was the LDBR + pushups. In case you aren’t familiar with these, you get into pushup position (with your hands gripping the DB’s instead of the floor), then you do a pushup, then you do a row with your right arm, then you do a pushup, then you do a row with your left arm – and now you’re at 2 reps. Having to do 10 of these every round really sucked! There was one round where I took a few drinks of water before doing this exercise and almost lost my water! The workout looks like it should get easier as you go, but really you’re getting so tired along the way that it doesn’t start to feel like you’re getting anywhere until about the 4 rep round, and at that point you still have to do those damn LDBR + pushups! After grinding through an hour and twenty two minutes of sweaty CrossFit torture, I was finished, and I was hungry!
After that workout I NEEDED fuel! This fuel consisted of an Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey vanilla shake with a banana, and then followed that up with an amazing steak salad. The steak salad was mixed greens, Kalamata olives, crumbled feta, slices of medium cooked steak, and topped with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.
Side note: if you’re interested in running coaching in Seattle or CrossFit style bootcamps in the park at Greenlake or Log Boom park in Kenmore, drop me a line!
If you have any questions or comments, throw them down below, and if you enjoyed this post, please “like” and share it with your friends and followers!