This email is coming to you from a newly re-opened Whole Foods dining area in Denver. It is SO nice to have these areas opened again because Whole Foods consistently has the fastest internet around.
Here’s what I found fun, interesting, or noteworthy this week…
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Book that I’m revisiting –
Compete to Create by Dr. Michael Gervais & Pete Carroll
Striving to be a top football player OR coach OR be successful at your career OR family life… all require the same set of skills.
You might think it’s different to be a pro football player vs. a successful accountant (or dad)… but to be at your best in either endeavor is requires you to be good at a very similar set of skills.
There are some VERY actionable tools in this book that can improve your life easily.
Skill that I’ve been thinking about –
Label Reading
I think this is SUCH a valuable skill to have that I’m going to invite you to email me ANY label that you want an opinion on. I look at every single food label (that I can) before consuming that food.
In most cases if it has sugar or something that you don’t know of as a real food… you shouldn’t eat it.
Product that I’m loving –
Anthony’s Organic Psyllium Husk
If you like to have really easy, efficient poops, and a healthy digestive system… you should look into consuming supplemental fiber. Psyllium husk is my favorite.
You can even use psyllium husk to help you lose body fat by consuming it with your carbs and lowering the glycemic index of those carbs (due to the soluble fiber in psyllium husk).
Sorry if you are uncomfortable with this topic, but it’s really one that you should get comfortable with ;-).
That’s what I have for you this week. If you need anything at all, please let me know! And send me those labels if you have questions.