Has summer started? It’s definitely feels like summer up here in Canada. High 70’s and low 80’s. Heck yeah! Let’s find a lake!
Here’s what I found fun, interesting, or noteworthy this week…
Tried my first Poutine –
Ya know, it was pretty darn good!
It was a smoked pork poutine with sweet potato fries from the Waverley Hotel in Cumberland, and I would recommend it.
Poutine probably isn’t going to be my go-to cheat meal any time soon, but this smoked pork poutine… I’m happy that I tried it. 😉
If you have a poutine style that you like let me know!
Ankle healing on hyperdrive –
I don’t think that busting up my ankles has anything to do with feeling good on Friday, BUT the fast healing techniques I’ve used might be able to help you out with an injury in the future.
Here’s what I’ve been up to after the universe decided that I needed to badly sprain both of my ankles in a two week period (during a mountain bike trip).
First, this is just my opinion, get in touch with a great doc of PT/Sport Chiro to assess your situation (let me know if you need a referral). You can also run these things by them, but they might not use them (if that’s the case make sure you ask them WHY).
- Keep it moving through non painful ranges of motion and do PT exercises daily.
- Voodoo flossing 2-3 times a day for increased blood flow.
- Blood flow restriction training once a day.
- Red/infrared light therapy 10-20 mins once a day.
- Elevation vs. movement, back and forth to keep swelling down and encourage blood flow.
- Hot/cold if you can. Ice alone just slows healing down and numbs pain. Not a fan of ice for healing.
- Arnica gel and oral. I’ve found less science about this, but I’ll take a placebo any day of the week!
If you want to read the science on any of these things just Google them.
Our latest video –
Predator at Tiger Mountain – Best Mountain Bike Trail in PNW?
If you are an advanced mountain biker… this trail needs to be on your list. It’s that good!
And if you aren’t sure if you can handle all of the features… you can stop and walk the ones you don’t like.
Checkout the video!
That’s what I have for you this week. If you have anything awesome going on, or things that I should be testing… let me know! Have a great week!