Listen up to make working out fun! For some reason, most people (not me) can agree on, it’s that working out is generally not fun at all.
Pushing your body and getting sweaty and exhausted isn’t considered to be a good time, until AFTER you’ve done it.
The burst of endorphins that you get as a result of a hard workout is why people come back to it – well, that the being competitive, and the health benefits that come with exercise!
Working out is supposed to be something that you do for your health, but it doesn’t mean that it should pain you to do it. It really can be fun, and most of the time it’s our minds that keep it from being fun.
You should be able to workout in way that are fun and without dreading the moment you begin. You already know that you should move your body to make it feel good, but that doesn’t mean that you’re instantly motivated to workout everyday. Instead, you need to do what you can to make your workout routines as fun as possible. With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of ways that you can make your workouts more fun from the beginning.
Don’t accept your own excuses
You have to tell yourself that your workout is going to be fun because being healthy is fun! And movement is fun! You have to remember that moving toward your goals is fun, and achieving them should be a celebration. Cut off that negative Nelly in your ear telling you that it’s going to be boring and you’re going to hate it. You won’t – especially if you do things like Animal Moves, Zumba, or CrossFit instead of just running. There are some exercises that are boring, but the general idea of working out shouldn’t be! It’s all in how you’ve framed it in your head.
Pick fun on purpose
Do you find climbing fun? Head to a rock climbing center and get your climb on. Do you love to swim? Combine it with aerobics and get dancing under the water – the resistance will help you to shed a few pounds with ease. People often fall off the workout wagon because they pick something that they don’t like. There is nothing more boring than pounding the pavement and going for a run if you hate running. However, you may find that walking a length of rough terrain or sand makes working those glutes far more fun!
Add exercise into your life
Instead of taking the bus to work, walk the journey or cycle. Don’t sign up to that gym in the next town – you’ll never go because it’s too much effort to get there. Instead, join the gym next to your work and go on your lunch break. Walk more than you take public transport and make a point of adding exercise when you can – such as taking the stairs and not the elevator.
Keep reminding yourself why you’re doing it
If you focus on the goals that got your started working out, you’ll feel happier to keep working out. Take a walk every evening after you eat and eventually, that becomes a fun piece of your routine that you don’t want to let go of. Write down your goals and keep them where you can see them.
Rope in your friends
It’s so much better to get excited about exercise when you have a friend doing it with you. Dance classes and hikes become far more interesting when you can chat for hours about what you’re doing. If you’re friends aren’t into exercise and won’t join you… make new friends while you’re doing your exercise.
Keep it simple
Exercise that is too complicated can be a big drag. You need to make it easy so that you don’t have to think about it too much. Be basic when you can so that exercise doesn’t seem like too much. It should be fun and not intimidating; if it’s intimidating, you won’t want to do it when you’re tired.
Get some help
If you want to ensure that exercise is fun for you, hire a coach or find someone who is an expert in the field to help you out. Coaches can help you reach your goals much faster, which will keep you motivate to keep coming back for more. They’ll show you how to workout correctly and they’ll show you how to get better results – which is exactly what you need!
Exercise is supposed to make you feel good and if you’re hating it, that’s not going to make you feel good at all. You deserve to have fun, and working out is going to be exactly that when you make better decisions about the workouts that you are doing. Take the time to make a list of the things you like to do and you’ll start loving your workout life.