Hi! With the last week of the CrossFit Open upon us (it will be over on Monday night) I’m excited to have some normalcy back in my life. I will train out the rest of next week, and then take the following week off of CrossFit. Taking a week off of CrossFit is always hard, […]
Meal Prep Sunday – Mango Coconut Chicken / Chicken Quesadillas
Meal Prep Sunday This week we are trying some completely new meals. Just to mix it up a little. Our lunch will be a really good looking Mango Coconut Chicken recipe from FoodFaithFitness.com (with a few adjustments), and dinner a meal of Chicken Quesadillas that we have made before, but not as a meal prep. […]
Feel Good Friday – Let’s do this
Hi! Here in Seattle we actually had a sunny day this week. It was AAAAMAZING!!! Also, the CrossFit Open workout 17.4 was release last night, and it’s a repeat of one of the best CrossFit Open workouts I’ve ever done (ranking wise). So, I’m pumped! It’s basically a combination of my favorite movements – deadlifts, […]
AAJ 075: 10 things to guarantee your summer beach body will be a success
Listen to my podcast to guaranteed your summer beach body on: iTunes – Stitcher Radio In this episode you’ll learn how there’s no such thing as a healthy food, plus… Why getting started now is essential. What training program you should follow, and not follow. How to make sure that you’re making progress. What are […]
WHOOP Strap Review – Start To Perform Better Now
If you’ve heard of the WHOOP, and you’ve been following me for any period of time… It should come of no surprise to you that I’m reviewing it. I LOVE any tech that’s going to help me perform better! And right now the WHOOP strap is one of the most talked about things in the […]
Meal Prep Sunday – Spaghetti Squash Bake
Meal Prep Sunday – Spaghetti Squash Bake This week for our meal prep (similar to last week) we are doing something new (Spaghetti Squash Bake), and something we have done before. This tends to happen… When we find something super good, we run with it a few times. Our first meal (which will be lunch) […]