How you think about things will determine your progress and results.
Sounds easy, right?
Just think the right way and you’re set! Haha!
Well, I know that it actually isn’t easy, but once you have this part down, everything else does become easy.
Mastering you thoughts will make all the difference.
And the key to mastering your thoughts (aka The Mindset for Being Fit) is repetition and practice. Everything we do is set by a habit that we’ve created.
Let’s revisit why you’re changing your diet, and why it’s worth it to make this mindset change…
Most people that I work with want to look awesome. They want to be lean and toned. To feel confident in a bathing suit. To feel sexy. The byproduct of this is actually feeling great all the time, with unbelieveably high energy. You can tackle anything at anytime. You will be the person that wears out your friends. And if you have kids, they will run out of energy before you do!
How does that all sound? Great, right?
So here’s the shift that needs to happen. It’s actually really easy, you just have to do it.
All you have to do is, decide that you are a healthy eater.
It’s really that simple. Just change your identy to that of a person who eats healthy foods without exception. Once this happens, the whole process is easy!
With this new identity it’s so easy to ask the waiter for veggies instead of fries, or for lettuce instead of a bun on your burger.
When you wake up each morning repeat: “My body is my temple, and I only put quality foods into my temple.” Say this to yourself every morning. If you can’t remember, post it to your refrigerator, or put a reminder on your phone.
Saying this to yourself over and over will drive it into your subconscience mind, and you’ll become this identity. Once this happens, making hard food decisions will become easy, and effortless.
What are you going to do? You’re going to repeat to yourself: “My body is my temple, and I only put quality foods into my temple.”
In fact, put a reminder in your phone that pops up once or twice a day that says: “My body is my temple, and I only put quality foods into my temple.”
And repeat it to yourself, either out loud, or in your mind.
Here’s what I’d like you to do. I understand that you may not know exactly what “quality foods” are all of the time. So, I invite you to email me whenever you have a question. Seriously, if you’re at a restaurant, and aren’t sure what to order, shoot me an email. If I’m in front of my computer, I’ll fire a response right back. How does that sound?
Everything that’s worth doing requires practice and repetition. This is just another one of those things. You only have one body, so this seems like a pretty important one to me. Just saying…
Now go set up your daily alarms in your phone. Do it now!
Remember, my email address is Email me with questions.
Get After It!!!!
To read the previous posts in this series click the links below.
Eating for Weight Loss at Restaurants
How to lose weight/10 pounds