There’s been some exciting workouts posted to the CrossFit website the last few days and it was hard to take the day off yesterday. The workout that I planned for this morning included 3 rounds of muscle ups, burpee pull ups, pull ups, and 800 meter running. I knew that because 3 of the movements included pulling that this would be a tough workout, and I hadn’t done muscle ups for a few months. It’s always a struggle finding a good place to hang the elite rings for the muscle ups, and I usually use a tree, but today I hung the rings from a rafter in the garage. This worked but the rings had to hang so low that my knees needed to be bent to avoid hitting the ground. In the end it actually worked out just fine. The burpee pull ups and the pull ups I had to do at the near by park because I didn’t have a high enough pull up bar in the house for the burpee pull ups.
I warmed up by measuring out the 800 meters along with some pull ups and push ups. Then I started the workout and it was on! The first 9 muscle ups went surprisingly great and then I ran to the park for the first round of the burpee pull ups and pull ups. Pull ups are probably my toughest movement so this workout rocked (aka it sucked :-))!!! After running the 800 meters I broke up the 2nd round of muscle ups into 5 and 4 rep sets. When I ran out of the house toward the park to complete the 2nd round the weather had shifted and the rain started. About half way through the burpees the sideways hail started, and by the time I finished the 2nd round my clothes were soaked to the bone! The 3rd round of muscle ups I completed in 6 and then 3 reps, blasted out the burpees, struggled with the pull ups doing about 3 at a time, and finished by Pose running my way back to the house. I finished the workout in 35:05 which was about 9 minutes slower than the top finisher on the CrossFit site, and I forgot to wear my 20lb weight vest which the top CrossFit finisher wore.
After a great day of eating I hopped on the bike to complete a CrossFit Endurance workout. The workout consisted of 3 rounds of biking 1/2 mile and resting the amount of time that it took to ride the 1/2 mile, riding 1 mile and resting the amount of time that it took to ride the 1 mile, and riding 2 miles and resting the amount of time that it took to ride the 2 miles. Riding a bike is really a different kind of training than running or swimming. Your legs burn but you don’t really get too out of breadth like you do when running or swimming. It’s kind of this weird balance of pain with a little oxygen deficit built in, and I just came to realize today that I only have a couple of weeks until my first 32 mile bike race. Holy smokes I’ve gotta get on the bike a few more times before this race!!!
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