This is just going to be a quick post about what’s going on in my crazy mind today :-). Yesterday I had 2 great workouts, a main CrossFit site WOD and a CrossFit Endurance WOD. Both workouts felt great, and I had a cheat day that consisted of a pizza, burger, and cereal, so my calories were WAY up! But today I woke up with very sore hamstrings and calves which I’m guessing were from the CrossFit Endurance workout that consisted of 18 sprints (checkout the workout here). I should also note that I had a running client this morning, and we ran a slow 10k. My body loosened up pretty well during the run and now I’m trying to decide if I should do my intended CrossFit Endurance workout, downgrade to a regular CrossFit workout, or take the day off and let my body recover… It’s always important to listen to your body, but the though thing that I’m dealing with is that with the exception of having sore hammies and calves my body feels great! I should also consider that there’s a good chance that I’ll go snowboarding tomorrow, so I won’t be doing any other workouts.
Here’s what I’m going to do! I’m going to eat some food (cottage cheese, almonds, and apples), rest for about an hour, and then do a light warm up to see how I’m feeling. If I’m feeling good I’ll go for a regular CrossFit workout, and if I’m feeling crappy I’ll bag it and get back to my workouts on Tuesday. Because I already ran a 10k I’m not going to even consider the CrossFit Endurance workout.
If you have any questions or comments throw them down below, and please “like” and share this post with your friends and followers!