In this episode you’ll learn about the Why you don’t have a muscle up, plus… What you need to do to get a muscle up. What the difference is between someone who succeeds vs. someone who fails. How to be better at life. And that’s about it… With so much hype around CrossFit this year, […]
Play-by-play Clean & Jerk and Box Jumps MetCon
This is a new way of sharing what I’ve been doing with you in a video format. I got this idea from the Ben Rice YouTube channel.
AAJ WOD/workout Saturday 1/25/14
A. 3 rounds not for time of: 3-5 muscle ups 30 sec l sit 10m handstand walk B. 12 min running clock 21-15-9 of Thrusters @95/65 Pull-ups Then with same bar work to a heavy snatch with remaining time C. 2 mins of max dips
AAJ WOD/workout Friday 1/24/14
A. 3 rounds for times of Run 800m 30 kettle bell swings @53/35 Rest 5 mins B. 3 rounds not for time of: 10 butterfly chest to bar pull-ups 10 box jumps @30/24 10 GHD sit-ups
AAJ WOD/workout Wednesday 1/22/14
A. 6 sets of high hang snatch + mid hang snatch + snatch B. Row 500m 20 burpees over the erg 40 double unders Rest 3 mins 10 power snatches @135/95 20 burpees over the bar Rest 3 mins 40 double unders 20 burpees over the erg Row 500m
AAJ WOD/workout Tuesday 1/21/14
A. 20 mins to work to a heavy clean and jerk B. 2 rounds for time of: 20 toes to bar 20 pull-ups C. 4 mins of max rep hand release push-ups