Getting rid of any barrier in your way between you and your fitness goals that can help you live a healthy life is vital. For some people, that barrier is sheer inexperience. If you’ve never really worked out before, it can be intimidating to start, especially with the prospect of going to the gym. However, […]
A Little Workout Motivation from CrossFit!
Workout: How to Make Sure that You’re Doing a Full Push Up
I made this video because there was some confusion about how to correctly perform the push ups with hands off the ground at the bottom from a recent CrossFit workout of the day (WOD). If you have any further questions please email me at
Day 5: Omaha Breakfast Pizza and the Drive through Denver….
Apart from having a great workout at the Omaha 24 Hour Fitness, and getting stuck in an epic Denver rain/hail storm, this was probably our least exciting day. The 4th of July in Omaha was very gray and gloomy, which worked out perfect for sleeping in and getting some recovery from our adventures. Abby again […]
Workout of the Day: Turkish Get Ups & Sots Presses
In this workout you’ll see that I’m holding two dumbbells in one hand. The actually workout was supposed to be with an Olympic Barbell (45 pounds), but my gym was closed today. At home I didn’t have a 45 pound barbell, but I did have a few small dumbbells. I had to hold one 15 […]