A. For time: Row 1000m 40 pull-ups 50 air squats Handstand walk 25m 50 air squats 40 pull-ups Row 1000m
AllAroundJoe WOD Friday 9/6/13
A. 20 mins to build to a heavy snatch B. 3 sets of snatch pulls @105% of 1RM snatch C. 3 rounds for time of: 30 wall balls 30 double unders Run 400m
AllAroundJoe WOD Wednesday 9/4/13
A. 20 mins to build to a heavy jerk (if you can’t drop weights do push presses) B. 5 rounds for time of: 10 push presses (from ground) @135/95 10 hang cleans @135/95 10 burpees over the bar C. 3 rounds of 20 GHD sit-ups Rest 2 mins between rounds/sets
AllAroundJoe WOD Tuesday 9/3/13
A. 20 mins to build to a heavy front squat B. 15 mins to build to a heavy clean C. 20 min AMRAP of: Start clock, and then there’s a buy in of 150 wall balls @20/14 Then.. 20 pull-ups 10 handstand push-ups 50 double unders
AllAroundJoe WOD Monday 9/2/13
A. 3 rounds not for time of: 2-4 muscle ups 4-8 pistol squats 5-10 toes to bar B. Hot Shot HERO WOD 6 rounds for time of: 30 air squats 19 power cleans @135/95 7 strict pull-ups 400m run
AllAroundJoe WOD Saturday 8/31/13
A. 3 rounds not for time of: 10 pistol squats 20m handstand walking B. for time: 75 double unders 50 burpees 25 push presses @135/95 Row 1000m C. Set goals for next 3 months