This video is from last year, but it turned out so cool that I wanted to repost it for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! Now get outside and have fun by working hard! 🙂
Brian Bauer
Gas Prices Are On The Rise But Are There Things More Important?
This post is on a very different topic than what I’m usually posting about, but it really made me think and laugh and I wanted to share it. This first part came from an email that was being forwarded around my family. Make sure that you read my brother’s response at the bottom! With gas […]
Day 5: Omaha Breakfast Pizza and the Drive through Denver….
Apart from having a great workout at the Omaha 24 Hour Fitness, and getting stuck in an epic Denver rain/hail storm, this was probably our least exciting day. The 4th of July in Omaha was very gray and gloomy, which worked out perfect for sleeping in and getting some recovery from our adventures. Abby again […]
Road Trip Day 4: Corn Fields, Omaha, & the Firework Show!
We woke up on day four in Chicago with all of my belongings (aka everything that I own) still safely in my Subaru. This was a great start to the day, considering that the last time my brother (Brian) was in Chicago, his van was broken into twice! After celebrating our good fortune, we drove […]
Road Trip Day 3: Notre Dame & Chicago!
We woke up at the campsite-after I got about 4 hours of sleep. I love camping :-|. The next stop on the trip was the great Notre Dame! I’ve gotta be honest, I was expecting something a little bit more spectular from the Notre Dame campus. Maybe it was just the dry season, but it […]
Road Trip Day 2: Niagara Falls, Canada CrossFit, Detroit, University of Michigan!
Road Trip Day 2: Niagara Falls, Canada CrossFit, and Detroit We started day 2 by waking up with smoker’s coughs in our uncleaned room. Just kidding! After a nutritious and delicious breakfast of a protein shake, oatmeal, banana, and some almonds, we checked out out of the hotel and headed to the falls (Niagara Falls) […]